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Site plongée Sardaigne le Tahiti

6 - 40 m


All levels

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30 mins



The dive site is located not far from Tahiti beach (the most popular bay on the island of Caprera, it is called "Tahiti" because of the beautiful color of its water). The mooring point may change depending on the diving experience and sea conditions.
For advanced divers, the dive begins  in the blue (12-15 meters) for a few minutes. We cross a canyon to visit a large rock covered with red gorgonians 40 meters deep. On the bottom you can find some anchors from the ship. It is easy to find lobsters in the small caves. We start to go up and explore the canyon to find groupers and scorpion fish. 
Here, the rocks are colonized by a large population of sea anemones and multicolored corals. 

the Tane

Site plongée Sardaigne le Tane

14 - 40 m


All levels

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35 mins



The dive takes place around two underwater mountains. The environment is varied and suggested.

While swimming through small canyons and large canals (recovered by the orange coral), we arrive at the vertical wall of the second summit (recovered by the yellow gorgonian). On the bottom there are a lot of rocks which are musdee, scorpions and grouper holes. Depending on the season and the current, it is possible to swim in the blue water to observe pelagic fish and rays.

At the end of the vertical wall, we can swim under a large rock where there are interesting crevices with giant morays.


Site plongée Sardaigne Fiodrino

7 - 40 m


All levels

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35 mins



Grotta di San Francesco

Site plongée Sardaigne Grotta di SanFrancesco

14 - 40 m


All levels

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35 mins



The dive begins by descending for 7 meters.

After a few minutes we will immediately see the entrance to the cave, which penetrates the rock for about 15 meters and has a wide exit hole at 6 meters. The landscape inside features spectacular lighting effects and walls covered with soft corals, colorful sponges and nudibranchs. It is ideal for taking pictures. 

Outside the cave, the marine environment consists of channels and granite pinnacles that rise from the sandy bottom (25-30 meters, where there are yellow gorgonians) to a depth of about 15 meters. These pinnacles are the favorite place of the abundant and varied reef fauna, in particular Anthias and snappers. In the crevices along the walls of the pinnacles we will see scorpion fish and lobsters, while on the sandy bottom are moray eels and octopus.

Secca del Grottino

Site plongée Sardaigne Secca del Grottino

14 - 40 m


Level II

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35 mins



Outside the cave, the marine environment consists of channels and granite pinnacles that rise from the sandy bottom (25-30 meters, where there are yellow gorgonians) to a depth of about 15 meters. These pinnacles are the favorite place of the abundant and varied reef fauna, in particular Anthias and snappers. In the crevices along the walls of the pinnacles we will see scorpion fish and lobsters, while on the sandy bottom are moray eels and octopus.

the Ancora

Site plongée Sardaigne l'Ancora

14 - 40 m


Level II

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40 mins



Secca dei Canali

Site plongée Sardaigne Secca dei Canali

14 - 40 m


Level II

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40 mins



The dive site is located east of Caprera Island, not far from Shark Point. This beautiful site consists of a granite formation separated by a valley of rocks. It can be considered quite a difficult site due to its medium depth and current. We often start the dive from the top of the rock, located 12 meters away, depending on the currents.

There are several ways to explore the area. Only for deep divers it is possible to visit the deepest point 40 meters to the east; the wall here was colonized by red gorgonians. Continuing the dive, we find yellow gorgonians about 30 meters away. The west side is characterized by the presence of stones where we find moray eels and snowdrifts. Keeping the wall to our left and climbing 10 meters, we will reach the depression to explore crevices and caves populated by groupers and sciaena umbra and recovered by parazoanthus.

Secca Punta Galera

Secca Punta Galera

14 - 40 m


Level II

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45 mins



Scoglio del Comandante

Site plongée Sardaigne Scoglio del Comandante

14 - 40 m


Level II

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45 mins



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